I haven't usually blogged about our scarf project on this blog, but this time I thought I'd make an exception. It's my first attempt at designing my own pattern. I'm quite happy with it; it's quite simple with stockinette and garter stitch and a simple lace pattern. I think the yarn goes quite well together with the pattern.
Mansikkasaari -huivi
Pattern: My own
Yarn: Novita Tico Tico
Needles: 4 mm
Consumption: 110 g
Huivi sai nimensä sen paikan mukaan, missä sitä aloin suunnittelemaan ja toteuttamaan. Toinen oma malli on jo puikoilla, suunnitteleminen ja suunnitelmien kokeileminen on aika koukuttavaa...
The shawl is named according to the place where I started designing and making it. I'm knitting another shawl with my own pattern already, it's quite addictive thinking about different patterns and trying them out...