Lanka: Gjestal Janne
Puikot: 4 sukkapuikot
Malli: omasta päästä
Yarn: Gjestal Janne
Needles: no 4 dp needles
Pattern: My own
Sain vihdoin valmiiksi myssyn tämän huivin kaveriksi. Yritin ensin tehdä Mario-myssyä, mutta se ei vain tuntunut onnistuvan eikä sopivan mun pieneen ja lyhythiuksiseen päähän. Päätin sit soveltaa jotain omasta päästä, vähän yhdistäen eri ideoita. Siitä tuli ihan mukava, ehkä vähän isompikin voisi olla, mutta en jaksanut enää purkaa.
I finally finished this hat to accompany this scarf. I first tried to knit a Mario beret, but it just didn't seem to fit my small and short-haired head. So I decided to create my own pattern, taking ideas from different places. It came out quite nice, it could be a bit bigger, but it will have to do.
I finally finished this hat to accompany this scarf. I first tried to knit a Mario beret, but it just didn't seem to fit my small and short-haired head. So I decided to create my own pattern, taking ideas from different places. It came out quite nice, it could be a bit bigger, but it will have to do.
1 kommentti:
Tuija, your work continues to impress me. This is a cute hat. I have PM'd you at the WR. Please read my message!
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